UHSA believes in the support of all Utah Head Start programs to provide a strong foundation for collaboration, advocacy and improved program performance. This foundation provides a springboard for growth, access, and innovation


Collecting enrollment, attendance, and outcomes data for Utah Head Start programs and working with other state agencies to share data to improve access to early care and education.


Recruiting and retaining qualified early childhood educators and providing ongoing opportunities for professional learning.


Transitioning children who are ready to learn from Early Head Start to Head Start and then to kindergarten, and coordinating with local and state education agencies.


Collaborating with other early care and education programs on a quality rating system in order to provide parents, policy-makers, and other professionals a gauge on current availability of quality programs and the need for funding and support to improve quality.


Increasing access to Head Start in Utah through increased awareness, recruitment activities, and partnerships with state and local agencies serving Head Start eligible children and families.


Supporting local Head Start programs on performance standards, technical assistance and training, monitoring and program reviews, etc.

Our Initiatives